Vijay Prashad in “The Darker Nations,” opens his introduction with a phrase that can easily summarize his entire ideology about Third World nations. He states, “The Third World was not a place. It was a project.” In this reading, Prashad looks at the concept of Third World as something more than a label for small, undeveloped states. These countries, mostly located in Africa, Asia and Latin America have long suffered the effects of colonialism by bigger and more powerful countries.
Whether it was through military control, or trade control, elite nations have always managed to find ways to control these unfortunate nations and maintain capitalism. The realization of self-sufficiency and wealth of resources in these Third World nations has given birth to a wave of nationalism, which, if left alone to develop, could become the end of capitalism. Since capitalism has done nothing but destroy Third World nations, and with today’s economic struggle in large, powerful nations, we can safely say that capitalism has not done much for the elite nations either. Are there any benefits to capitalism, or is it finally time for a change?
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